Wilkes University
Council on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity
Supporting Diversity & Inclusion
The Council on Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (CODIE) critically analyzes Wilkes University’s strengths and challenges in the areas of diversity, inclusion and equity. CODIE liaises with existing shared governance structures that will support the growth and improvement of diversity and inclusion.
- Evaluate policies, procedures, programs, and practices to promote equity and authentic inclusion and make recommendations campus-wide based on best practice.
- Work with Institutional Research to routinely assess campus climate and advocate for changes that positively impact the Wilkes community.
- Promote curricular resources, conduct training, and provide educational programs in the areas of diversity, inclusion, and equity.
- Work cooperatively with the General Education Committee, Curriculum Committee, First Year Foundations Committee and the Assessment Committee in support of the diversity goals of those groups and to provide curricular support for the effective delivery of the General Education Student Learning Outcomes.
- Oversee reporting and addressing immediate concerns related to diversity, inclusion and equity for students, faculty, and staff.
- Work closely with the Office of Diversity Initiatives to ensure coordination of efforts.
- Report to the President’s Cabinet at least once per semester to advise on issues related to diversity, inclusion and equity.
- Promote diversity, inclusion, and equity within the Wilkes University campus by hosting our own and supporting other campus organizations’ social and cultural events, educational workshops, and community conversations.
- Advocate for social justice by fostering a safe environment in which students, faculty, and staff are encouraged and empowered to support equitable and fair treatment for everyone.
- Collaborate with all members of the campus community to support the personal, professional, and educational goals of all students, faculty, and staff by equipping them with the tools to improve their university, their communities, and their world.
- CODIE envisions Wilkes University as a learning community in which individuals of every culture and identity are respected and valued for their perspectives, experiences, and contributions.
- By fostering a culture of belonging and accountability, CODIE strives to create an environment where diversity is celebrated, equity is upheld, and inclusion is embedded in every aspect of university life.
- Respect: We value and honor the dignity and worth of every person.
- Empathy: We seek to cultivate an understanding of others' experiences, perspectives, and challenges, and to support and uplift those individuals and communities who are marginalized.
- Social Responsibility: We recognize the broader impact of DEI efforts on society and strive to contribute positively by creating a more just and equitable world.
Council Members
The council is made up of members from many areas of campus. Members include:
- One faculty member from each school or college.
- Up to three additional ex officio faculty appointed by the committee.
- Administrative or staff members representing the following offices:
- Center for Global Education and Diversity
- Title IX Coordinator
- Student Affairs
- Admissions (ex officio)
- Financial Aid (ex officio)
- Residence Life
- Alumni (ex officio)
- Institutional Research (ex officio)
- Athletics
- Research and Sponsored Programs (ex officio)
- Student representation with one collective student vote:
- One Multicultural Student Coalition representative.
- One international student-identified by the Center for Global Education & Diversity.
- One graduate student-identified by the Graduate Studies Committee.
- One student athlete identified by the Athletic Director
- One Student Government representative.